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- addBevelGear(derivation, extrudeDerivation, pitchRadius, positives, teeth, vector3GearProfile)
- Get extrude output for a cylinder gear.
- addBottomLoop(deltaZ, loops)
- Add bottom loop to loops.
- addCollarShaft(collarThickness, derivation, negatives, positives, xmlElement)
- Add collar.
- addCollarShaftSetDerivation(collarDerivation, collarThickness, derivation, negatives, positives, xmlElement)
- Add collar and shaft.
- addLighteningHoles(derivation, gearHolePaths, negatives, pitchRadius, positives)
- Add lightening holes.
- addRackHole(derivation, vector3RackProfiles, x, xmlElement)
- Add rack hole to vector3RackProfiles.
- addRackHoles(derivation, vector3RackProfiles, xmlElement)
- Add rack holes to vector3RackProfiles.
- addShaft(derivation, negatives, positives)
- Add shaft.
- getAxialMargin(circleRadius, numberOfSides, polygonRadius)
- Get axial margin.
- getBevelPath(begin, bevel, center, end)
- Get bevel path.
- getGearPaths(derivation, pitchRadius, teeth, toothProfile)
- Get gear paths.
- getGearProfileAnnulus(derivation, pitchRadius, teeth, toothProfile)
- Get gear profile for an annulus gear.
- getGearProfileCylinder(teeth, toothProfile)
- Get gear profile for a cylinder gear.
- getGearProfileRack(derivation, toothProfile)
- Get gear profile for rack.
- getGeometryOutput(derivation, xmlElement)
- Get vector3 vertexes from attribute dictionary.
- getGeometryOutputByArguments(arguments, xmlElement)
- Get vector3 vertexes from attribute dictionary by arguments.
- getHalfwave(pitchRadius, teeth)
- Get tooth halfwave.
- getHelixComplexPath(derivation, xmlElement)
- Set gear helix path.
- getLiftedOutput(derivation, geometryOutput, xmlElement)
- Get extrude output for a rack.
- getLighteningHoles(derivation, gearHolePaths, pitchRadius)
- Get cutout circles.
- getOutputCylinder(collarThickness, derivation, gearHolePaths, pitchRadius, teeth, twist, vector3GearProfile, xmlElement)
- Get extrude output for a cylinder gear.
- getOutputRack(derivation, vector3GearProfile, xmlElement)
- Get extrude output for a rack.
- getPathOutput(creationFirst, derivation, translation, vector3GearProfileFirst, vector3GearPaths, xmlElement)
- Get gear path output.
- getToothProfile(derivation, pitchRadius, teeth)
- Get profile for one tooth.
- getToothProfileAnnulus(derivation, pitchRadius, teeth)
- Get profile for one tooth of an annulus.
- getToothProfileCylinder(derivation, pitchRadius, teeth)
- Get profile for one tooth of a cylindrical gear.
- getToothProfileCylinderByProfile(derivation, pitchRadius, teeth, toothProfileHalf)
- Get profile for one tooth of a cylindrical gear.
- getToothProfileHalfCylinder(derivation, pitchRadius)
- Get profile for half of a one tooth of a cylindrical gear.
- getToothProfileRack(derivation)
- Get profile for one rack tooth.
- getWidthMultipliedPath(path, widthMultiplier)
- Get width multiplied path.
- processXMLElement(xmlElement)
- Process the xml element.