| |
- addEdgePair(edgePairTable, edges, faceEdgeIndex, remainingEdgeIndex, remainingEdgeTable)
- Add edge pair to the edge pair table.
- addFacesByConcaveLoop(faces, indexedLoop)
- Add faces from a polygon which is concave.
- addFacesByConvex(faces, indexedLoop)
- Add faces from a convex polygon.
- addFacesByConvexBottomTopLoop(faces, indexedLoopBottom, indexedLoopTop)
- Add faces from loops.
- addFacesByConvexLoops(faces, indexedLoops)
- Add faces from loops.
- addFacesByConvexReversed(faces, indexedLoop)
- Add faces from a reversed convex polygon.
- addFacesByLoop(faces, indexedLoop)
- Add faces from a polygon which may be concave.
- addFacesByLoopReversed(faces, indexedLoop)
- Add faces from a reversed convex polygon.
- addLoopToPointTable(loop, pointTable)
- Add the points in the loop to the point table.
- addPillarByLoops(faces, indexedLoops)
- Add pillar by loops which may be concave.
- addPillarFromConvexLoopsGrids(faces, grids, indexedLoops)
- Add pillar from convex loops and grids.
- addPointsAtZ(edgePair, points, radius, vertexes, z)
- Add point complexes on the segment between the edge intersections with z.
- addToZoneTable(point, shape)
- Add point to the zone table.
- addWithLeastLength(loops, point, shortestAdditionalLength)
- Insert a point into a loop, at the index at which the loop would be shortest.
- compareAreaAscending(loopArea, otherLoopArea)
- Get comparison in order to sort loop areas in ascending order of area.
- compareAreaDescending(loopArea, otherLoopArea)
- Get comparison in order to sort loop areas in descending order of area.
- convertXMLElement(geometryOutput, xmlElement)
- Convert the xml element to a trianglemesh xml element.
- getAddIndexedGrid(grid, vertexes, z)
- Get and add an indexed grid.
- getAddIndexedLoop(loop, vertexes, z)
- Get and add an indexed loop.
- getAddIndexedLoops(loop, vertexes, zList)
- Get and add indexed loops.
- getAdditionalLoopLength(loop, point, pointIndex)
- Get the additional length added by inserting a point into a loop.
- getBridgeDirection(belowLoops, layerLoops, layerThickness)
- Get span direction for the majority of the overhanging extrusion perimeter, if any.
- getBridgeLoops(layerThickness, loop)
- Get the inset bridge loops from the loop.
- getCarveIntersectionFromEdge(edge, vertexes, z)
- Get the complex where the carve intersects the edge.
- getDescendingAreaLoops(allPoints, corners, importRadius)
- Get loops which include most of the points.
- getDoubledRoundZ(overhangingSegment, segmentRoundZ)
- Get doubled plane angle around z of the overhanging segment.
- getEmptyZ(shape, z)
- Get the first z which is not in the zone table.
- getIndexedCellLoopsFromIndexedGrid(grid)
- Get indexed cell loops from an indexed grid.
- getIndexedLoopFromIndexedGrid(indexedGrid)
- Get indexed loop from around the indexed grid.
- getInsetPoint(loop, tinyRadius)
- Get the inset vertex.
- getIsPathEntirelyOutsideTriangle(begin, center, end, vector3Path)
- Determine if a path is entirely outside another loop.
- getLoopsFromCorrectMesh(edges, faces, vertexes, z)
- Get loops from a carve of a correct mesh.
- getLoopsFromUnprovenMesh(edges, faces, importRadius, vertexes, z)
- Get loops from a carve of an unproven mesh.
- getLoopsInOrderOfArea(compareAreaFunction, loops)
- Get the loops in the order of area according to the compare function.
- getLoopsWithCorners(corners, importRadius, loops, pointTable)
- Add corners to the loops.
- getNextEdgeIndexAroundZ(edge, faces, remainingEdgeTable)
- Get the next edge index in the mesh carve.
- getOverhangDirection(belowOutsetLoops, segmentBegin, segmentEnd)
- Add to span direction from the endpoint segments which overhang the layer below.
- getOverlapRatio(loop, pointTable)
- Get the overlap ratio between the loop and the point table.
- getPath(edges, pathIndexes, loop, z)
- Get the path from the edge intersections.
- getPillarOutput(loops)
- Get pillar output.
- getPillarsOutput(loopLists)
- Get pillars output.
- getRemainingEdgeTable(edges, vertexes, z)
- Get the remaining edge hashtable.
- getRemainingLoopAddFace(faces, remainingLoop)
- Get the remaining loop and add face.
- getSharedFace(firstEdge, faces, secondEdge)
- Get the face which is shared by two edges.
- getUnifiedOutput(outputs)
- Get unified output.
- getWideAnglePointIndex(loop)
- Get a point index which has a wide enough angle, most point indexes have a wide enough angle, this is just to make sure.
- initializeZoneIntervalTable(shape, vertexes)
- Initialize the zone interval and the zZone table
- isInline(beginComplex, centerComplex, endComplex)
- Determine if the three complex points form a line.
- isPathAdded(edges, faces, loops, remainingEdgeTable, vertexes, z)
- Get the path indexes around a triangle mesh carve and add the path to the flat loops.
- processXMLElement(xmlElement)
- Process the xml element.