| |
- Evaluator
- EvaluatorAddition
- EvaluatorAnd
- EvaluatorOr
- EvaluatorDivision
- EvaluatorModulo
- EvaluatorMultiplication
- EvaluatorEqual
- EvaluatorGreater
- EvaluatorGreaterEqual
- EvaluatorLess
- EvaluatorLessEqual
- EvaluatorNotEqual
- EvaluatorPower
- EvaluatorSubtraction
- EvaluatorNot
- EvaluatorAttribute
- EvaluatorFundamental
- EvaluatorBracketCurly
- EvaluatorBracketRound
- EvaluatorBracketSquare
- EvaluatorComma
- EvaluatorConcatenate
- EvaluatorDictionary
- EvaluatorElement
- EvaluatorFalse
- EvaluatorFunction
- EvaluatorLocal
- EvaluatorNone
- EvaluatorNumeric
- EvaluatorTrue
- EvaluatorValue
- Function
- KeyValue
- ModuleXMLElement
class Evaluator |
Base evaluator class. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorAddition(Evaluator) |
Class to add two evaluators. |
Methods defined here:
- executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Add two evaluators.
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
- Get evaluatedValues.
- getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get operation value.
- getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Add two values.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorAnd(EvaluatorAddition) |
Class to compare two evaluators. |
- Method resolution order:
- EvaluatorAnd
- EvaluatorAddition
- Evaluator
Methods defined here:
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- getBooleanFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- And two values.
- getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get value from comparison.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
- executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Add two evaluators.
- getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
- Get evaluatedValues.
- getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get operation value.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorAttribute(Evaluator) |
Class to handle an attribute. |
Methods defined here:
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorBracketCurly(Evaluator) |
Class to evaluate a string. |
Methods defined here:
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorBracketRound(Evaluator) |
Class to evaluate a string. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Evaluate the statement and delete the evaluators.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorBracketSquare(Evaluator) |
Class to evaluate a string. |
Methods defined here:
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Evaluate the statement and delete the evaluators.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorComma(Evaluator) |
Class to join two evaluators. |
Methods defined here:
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorConcatenate(Evaluator) |
Class to join two evaluators. |
Methods defined here:
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorDictionary(Evaluator) |
Class to join two evaluators. |
Methods defined here:
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorDivision(EvaluatorAddition) |
Class to divide two evaluators. |
- Method resolution order:
- EvaluatorDivision
- EvaluatorAddition
- Evaluator
Methods defined here:
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Divide two values.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
- executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Add two evaluators.
- getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
- Get evaluatedValues.
- getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get operation value.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorElement(Evaluator) |
Element evaluator class. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorEqual(EvaluatorAddition) |
Class to compare two evaluators. |
- Method resolution order:
- EvaluatorEqual
- EvaluatorAddition
- Evaluator
Methods defined here:
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- getBooleanFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Compare two values.
- getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get value from comparison.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
- executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Add two evaluators.
- getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
- Get evaluatedValues.
- getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get operation value.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorFalse(Evaluator) |
Class to evaluate a string. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to zero.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorFunction(Evaluator) |
Function evaluator class. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- setFunctionLocalTable(self, nextEvaluator)
- Evaluate the function statement and delete the evaluators.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorFundamental(EvaluatorAttribute) |
Fundamental evaluator class. |
- Method resolution order:
- EvaluatorFundamental
- EvaluatorAttribute
- Evaluator
Methods defined here:
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorAttribute:
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorGreater(EvaluatorEqual) |
Class to compare two evaluators. |
- Method resolution order:
- EvaluatorGreater
- EvaluatorEqual
- EvaluatorAddition
- Evaluator
Methods defined here:
- getBooleanFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Compare two values.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorEqual:
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get value from comparison.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
- executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Add two evaluators.
- getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
- Get evaluatedValues.
- getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get operation value.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorGreaterEqual(EvaluatorEqual) |
Class to compare two evaluators. |
- Method resolution order:
- EvaluatorGreaterEqual
- EvaluatorEqual
- EvaluatorAddition
- Evaluator
Methods defined here:
- getBooleanFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Compare two values.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorEqual:
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get value from comparison.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
- executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Add two evaluators.
- getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
- Get evaluatedValues.
- getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get operation value.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorLess(EvaluatorEqual) |
Class to compare two evaluators. |
- Method resolution order:
- EvaluatorLess
- EvaluatorEqual
- EvaluatorAddition
- Evaluator
Methods defined here:
- getBooleanFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Compare two values.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorEqual:
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get value from comparison.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
- executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Add two evaluators.
- getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
- Get evaluatedValues.
- getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get operation value.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorLessEqual(EvaluatorEqual) |
Class to compare two evaluators. |
- Method resolution order:
- EvaluatorLessEqual
- EvaluatorEqual
- EvaluatorAddition
- Evaluator
Methods defined here:
- getBooleanFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Compare two values.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorEqual:
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get value from comparison.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
- executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Add two evaluators.
- getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
- Get evaluatedValues.
- getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get operation value.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorLocal(Evaluator) |
Class to get a local variable. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorModulo(EvaluatorDivision) |
Class to modulo two evaluators. |
- Method resolution order:
- EvaluatorModulo
- EvaluatorDivision
- EvaluatorAddition
- Evaluator
Methods defined here:
- getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Modulo two values.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorDivision:
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
- executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Add two evaluators.
- getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
- Get evaluatedValues.
- getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get operation value.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorMultiplication(EvaluatorDivision) |
Class to multiply two evaluators. |
- Method resolution order:
- EvaluatorMultiplication
- EvaluatorDivision
- EvaluatorAddition
- Evaluator
Methods defined here:
- getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Multiply two values.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorDivision:
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
- executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Add two evaluators.
- getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
- Get evaluatedValues.
- getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get operation value.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorNone(Evaluator) |
Class to evaluate None. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorNot(EvaluatorSubtraction) |
Class to compare two evaluators. |
- Method resolution order:
- EvaluatorNot
- EvaluatorSubtraction
- EvaluatorAddition
- Evaluator
Methods defined here:
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Minus the value to the right.
- getValueFromSingleValue(self, value)
- Minus value.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorSubtraction:
- executeLeft(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Minus the value to the right.
- getNegativeValue(self, value)
- Get the negative value.
- getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Subtract two values.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
- executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Add two evaluators.
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
- Get evaluatedValues.
- getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get operation value.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorNotEqual(EvaluatorEqual) |
Class to compare two evaluators. |
- Method resolution order:
- EvaluatorNotEqual
- EvaluatorEqual
- EvaluatorAddition
- Evaluator
Methods defined here:
- getBooleanFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Compare two values.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorEqual:
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get value from comparison.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
- executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Add two evaluators.
- getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
- Get evaluatedValues.
- getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get operation value.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorNumeric(Evaluator) |
Class to evaluate a string. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorOr(EvaluatorAnd) |
Class to compare two evaluators. |
- Method resolution order:
- EvaluatorOr
- EvaluatorAnd
- EvaluatorAddition
- Evaluator
Methods defined here:
- getBooleanFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Or two values.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorAnd:
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get value from comparison.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
- executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Add two evaluators.
- getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
- Get evaluatedValues.
- getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get operation value.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorPower(EvaluatorAddition) |
Class to power two evaluators. |
- Method resolution order:
- EvaluatorPower
- EvaluatorAddition
- Evaluator
Methods defined here:
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Power of two values.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
- executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Add two evaluators.
- getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
- Get evaluatedValues.
- getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get operation value.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorSubtraction(EvaluatorAddition) |
Class to subtract two evaluators. |
- Method resolution order:
- EvaluatorSubtraction
- EvaluatorAddition
- Evaluator
Methods defined here:
- executeLeft(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Minus the value to the right.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Minus the value to the right.
- getNegativeValue(self, value)
- Get the negative value.
- getValueFromSingleValue(self, value)
- Minus value.
- getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Subtract two values.
Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
- executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Add two evaluators.
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
- Get evaluatedValues.
- getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
- Get operation value.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorTrue(Evaluator) |
Class to evaluate a string. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, word, xmlElement)
- Set value to true.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class EvaluatorValue(Evaluator) |
Class to evaluate a string. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, word)
- Set value to none.
Methods inherited from Evaluator:
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
- executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
- Execute the bracket.
- executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts on the center.
- executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the dictionary.
- executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the function.
- executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Execute operator which acts from the left.
- executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the key index.
- executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
- Operate on two evaluators.
- executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
- Execute operator which acts from the right.
- executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
- Execute the string.
- getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
- Determine if the keyIndex is in range.
class ModuleXMLElement |
Class to get the in attribute, the index name and the value name. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, xmlElement)
- Initialize.
- processElse(self, xmlElement)
- Process the else statement.
| |