fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate ($Date: 2008/02/05 $)

Boolean geometry utilities.



class Evaluator
    Base evaluator class.
  Methods defined here:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorAddition(Evaluator)
    Class to add two evaluators.
  Methods defined here:
executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Add two evaluators.
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
Get evaluatedValues.
getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get operation value.
getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Add two values.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorAnd(EvaluatorAddition)
    Class to compare two evaluators.
Method resolution order:

Methods defined here:
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
getBooleanFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
And two values.
getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get value from comparison.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Add two evaluators.
getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
Get evaluatedValues.
getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get operation value.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorAttribute(Evaluator)
    Class to handle an attribute.
  Methods defined here:
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorBracketCurly(Evaluator)
    Class to evaluate a string.
  Methods defined here:
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorBracketRound(Evaluator)
    Class to evaluate a string.
  Methods defined here:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Evaluate the statement and delete the evaluators.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorBracketSquare(Evaluator)
    Class to evaluate a string.
  Methods defined here:
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Evaluate the statement and delete the evaluators.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorComma(Evaluator)
    Class to join two evaluators.
  Methods defined here:
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorConcatenate(Evaluator)
    Class to join two evaluators.
  Methods defined here:
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorDictionary(Evaluator)
    Class to join two evaluators.
  Methods defined here:
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorDivision(EvaluatorAddition)
    Class to divide two evaluators.
Method resolution order:

Methods defined here:
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Divide two values.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Add two evaluators.
getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
Get evaluatedValues.
getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get operation value.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorElement(Evaluator)
    Element evaluator class.
  Methods defined here:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorEqual(EvaluatorAddition)
    Class to compare two evaluators.
Method resolution order:

Methods defined here:
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
getBooleanFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Compare two values.
getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get value from comparison.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Add two evaluators.
getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
Get evaluatedValues.
getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get operation value.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorFalse(Evaluator)
    Class to evaluate a string.
  Methods defined here:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to zero.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorFunction(Evaluator)
    Function evaluator class.
  Methods defined here:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
setFunctionLocalTable(self, nextEvaluator)
Evaluate the function statement and delete the evaluators.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorFundamental(EvaluatorAttribute)
    Fundamental evaluator class.
Method resolution order:

Methods defined here:
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorAttribute:
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorGreater(EvaluatorEqual)
    Class to compare two evaluators.
Method resolution order:

Methods defined here:
getBooleanFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Compare two values.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorEqual:
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get value from comparison.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Add two evaluators.
getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
Get evaluatedValues.
getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get operation value.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorGreaterEqual(EvaluatorEqual)
    Class to compare two evaluators.
Method resolution order:

Methods defined here:
getBooleanFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Compare two values.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorEqual:
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get value from comparison.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Add two evaluators.
getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
Get evaluatedValues.
getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get operation value.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorLess(EvaluatorEqual)
    Class to compare two evaluators.
Method resolution order:

Methods defined here:
getBooleanFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Compare two values.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorEqual:
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get value from comparison.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Add two evaluators.
getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
Get evaluatedValues.
getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get operation value.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorLessEqual(EvaluatorEqual)
    Class to compare two evaluators.
Method resolution order:

Methods defined here:
getBooleanFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Compare two values.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorEqual:
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get value from comparison.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Add two evaluators.
getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
Get evaluatedValues.
getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get operation value.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorLocal(Evaluator)
    Class to get a local variable.
  Methods defined here:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorModulo(EvaluatorDivision)
    Class to modulo two evaluators.
Method resolution order:

Methods defined here:
getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Modulo two values.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorDivision:
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Add two evaluators.
getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
Get evaluatedValues.
getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get operation value.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorMultiplication(EvaluatorDivision)
    Class to multiply two evaluators.
Method resolution order:

Methods defined here:
getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Multiply two values.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorDivision:
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Add two evaluators.
getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
Get evaluatedValues.
getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get operation value.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorNone(Evaluator)
    Class to evaluate None.
  Methods defined here:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorNot(EvaluatorSubtraction)
    Class to compare two evaluators.
Method resolution order:

Methods defined here:
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Minus the value to the right.
getValueFromSingleValue(self, value)
Minus value.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorSubtraction:
executeLeft(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Minus the value to the right.
getNegativeValue(self, value)
Get the negative value.
getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Subtract two values.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Add two evaluators.
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
Get evaluatedValues.
getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get operation value.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorNotEqual(EvaluatorEqual)
    Class to compare two evaluators.
Method resolution order:

Methods defined here:
getBooleanFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Compare two values.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorEqual:
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get value from comparison.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Add two evaluators.
getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
Get evaluatedValues.
getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get operation value.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorNumeric(Evaluator)
    Class to evaluate a string.
  Methods defined here:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorOr(EvaluatorAnd)
    Class to compare two evaluators.
Method resolution order:

Methods defined here:
getBooleanFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Or two values.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorAnd:
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get value from comparison.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Add two evaluators.
getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
Get evaluatedValues.
getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get operation value.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorPower(EvaluatorAddition)
    Class to power two evaluators.
Method resolution order:

Methods defined here:
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Power of two values.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Add two evaluators.
getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
Get evaluatedValues.
getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get operation value.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorSubtraction(EvaluatorAddition)
    Class to subtract two evaluators.
Method resolution order:

Methods defined here:
executeLeft(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Minus the value to the right.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Minus the value to the right.
getNegativeValue(self, value)
Get the negative value.
getValueFromSingleValue(self, value)
Minus value.
getValueFromValuePair(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Subtract two values.

Methods inherited from EvaluatorAddition:
executePair(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Add two evaluators.
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
getEvaluatedValues(self, enumerable, keys, value)
Get evaluatedValues.
getOperationValue(self, leftValue, rightValue)
Get operation value.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to none.
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorTrue(Evaluator)
    Class to evaluate a string.
  Methods defined here:
__init__(self, word, xmlElement)
Set value to true.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class EvaluatorValue(Evaluator)
    Class to evaluate a string.
  Methods defined here:
__init__(self, word)
Set value to none.

Methods inherited from Evaluator:
Get the string representation of this Evaluator.
executeBracket(self, bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Execute the bracket.
executeCenterOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts on the center.
executeDictionary(self, dictionary, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the dictionary.
executeFunction(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the function.
executeKey(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executeLeftOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Execute operator which acts from the left.
executeList(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the key index.
executePairOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex, operationLevel)
Operate on two evaluators.
executeRightOperation(self, evaluators, evaluatorIndex)
Execute operator which acts from the right.
executeString(self, evaluators, keys, evaluatorIndex, nextEvaluator)
Execute the string.
getIsInRange(self, keyIndex)
Determine if the keyIndex is in range.

class Function
    Class to get equation results.
  Methods defined here:
__init__(self, evaluatorSplitLine, xmlElement)
Get the string representation of this Function.
Get return value.
Get return value without deleting last function.
processChildren(self, xmlElement)
Process children if shouldReturn is false.
Reset functions.

class KeyValue
    Class to hold a key value.
  Methods defined here:
__init__(self, key=None, value=None)
Get key value.
Get the string representation of this KeyValue.
getByCharacter(self, character, line)
Get by character.
getByDot(self, line)
Get by dot.
getByEqual(self, line)
Get by dot.

class ModuleXMLElement
    Class to get the in attribute, the index name and the value name.
  Methods defined here:
__init__(self, xmlElement)
processElse(self, xmlElement)
Process the else statement.

addAttributeWord(evaluatorWords, word)
Add attribute word and remainder if the word starts with a dot, otherwise add the word.
addPrefixDictionary(dictionary, keys, value)
Add prefixed key values to dictionary.
addQuoteWord(evaluatorWords, word)
Add quote word and remainder if the word starts with a quote character or dollar sign, otherwise add the word.
addToPathsRecursively(paths, vector3Lists)
Add to vector3 paths recursively.
addVector3ToXMLElement(key, vector3, xmlElement)
Add vector3 to xml element.
compareExecutionOrderAscending(module, otherModule)
Get comparison in order to sort modules in ascending execution order.
Recursively convert any XMLElements to paths.
Recursively convert any XMLElements to paths.
executeLeftOperations(evaluators, operationLevel)
Evaluate the expression value from the numeric and operation evaluators.
executePairOperations(evaluators, operationLevel)
Evaluate the expression value from the numeric and operation evaluators.
getArchivableObjectAddToParent(archivableClass, xmlElement)
Get the archivable object and add it to the parent object.
getBracketEvaluators(bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Get the bracket evaluators.
getBracketValuesDeleteEvaluator(bracketBeginIndex, bracketEndIndex, evaluators)
Get the bracket values and delete the evaluator.
Evaluate the expression value.
getCumulativeVector3(prefix, vector3, xmlElement)
Get cumulative vector3 and delete the prefixed attributes.
getDictionarySplitWords(dictionary, value)
Get split line for evaluators.
getEndIndexConvertEquationValue(bracketEndIndex, evaluatorIndex, evaluators)
Get the bracket end index and convert the equation value evaluators into a string.
getEvaluatedBooleanDefault(defaultBoolean, key, xmlElement=None)
Get the evaluated boolean as a float.
getEvaluatedDictionary(evaluationKeys, xmlElement)
Get the evaluated dictionary.
getEvaluatedExpressionValue(value, xmlElement)
Evaluate the expression value.
getEvaluatedExpressionValueBySplitLine(words, xmlElement)
Evaluate the expression value.
Evaluate the expression value from the numeric and operation evaluators.
getEvaluatedFloat(key, xmlElement=None)
Get the evaluated value as a float.
getEvaluatedFloatByKeys(defaultFloat, keys, xmlElement)
Get the evaluated value as a float by keys.
getEvaluatedFloatDefault(defaultFloat, key, xmlElement=None)
Get the evaluated value as a float.
getEvaluatedInt(key, xmlElement=None)
Get the evaluated value as an int.
getEvaluatedIntByKeys(defaultInt, keys, xmlElement)
Get the evaluated value as an int by keys.
getEvaluatedIntDefault(defaultInt, key, xmlElement=None)
Get the evaluated value as an int.
getEvaluatedLinkValue(word, xmlElement)
Get the evaluated link value.
getEvaluatedString(key, xmlElement=None)
Get the evaluated value as a string.
getEvaluatedStringDefault(defaultString, key, xmlElement=None)
Get the evaluated value as a string.
getEvaluatedValue(key, xmlElement=None)
Get the evaluated value.
getEvaluatedValueObliviously(key, xmlElement)
Get the evaluated value.
getEvaluator(evaluators, nextWord, word, xmlElement)
Get the evaluator.
Get split words for evaluators.
Get list from a bracketed string.
Get float lists by paths.
getFromCreationEvaluatorPlugins(namePathDictionary, xmlElement)
Get the creation evaluator plugins if the xmlElement is from the creation evaluator.
Get the int from the string.
Determine if the word is bracketed.
Determine if the word is quoted.
Get keys for repository.
Get the layer thickness.
getMatchingPlugins(namePathDictionary, xmlElement)
Get the plugins whose names are in the attribute dictionary.
Get the next child index.
Get the overhang span.
Get the overhang support angle in radians.
getPathByKey(key, xmlElement)
Get path from prefix and xml element.
Get the paths by list.
getPathByPrefix(path, prefix, xmlElement)
Get path from prefix and xml element.
getPathsByKey(key, xmlElement)
Get paths by key.
getPathsByKeys(keys, xmlElement)
Get paths by keys.
Get paths by lists.
Get the cascade precision.
Get the sheet thickness.
getSidesBasedOnPrecision(radius, xmlElement)
Get the number of poygon sides.
getSidesMinimumThreeBasedOnPrecision(radius, xmlElement)
Get the number of poygon sides, with a minimum of three.
getSidesMinimumThreeBasedOnPrecisionSides(radius, xmlElement)
Get the number of poygon sides, with a minimum of three.
Get split dictionary.
Determine if the word starts with round or square brackets.
Get token by number.
getTransformedPathByKey(key, xmlElement)
Get transformed path from prefix and xml element.
getTransformedPathByPrefix(path, prefix, xmlElement)
Get path from prefix and xml element.
getTransformedPathsByKey(key, xmlElement)
Get transformed paths by key.
getUniqueQuoteIndex(uniqueQuoteIndex, word)
Get uniqueQuoteIndex.
Get unique token.
getVector3ByDictionary(dictionary, vector3)
Get vector3 by dictionary.
getVector3ByDictionaryListValue(value, vector3)
Get vector3 by dictionary, list or value.
getVector3ByFloatList(floatList, vector3)
Get vector3 by float list.
getVector3ByMultiplierPrefix(multiplier, prefix, vector3, xmlElement)
Get vector3 from multiplier, prefix and xml element.
getVector3ByMultiplierPrefixes(multiplier, prefixes, vector3, xmlElement)
Get vector3 from multiplier, prefixes and xml element.
getVector3ByPrefix(defaultVector3, prefix, xmlElement)
Get vector3 from prefix and xml element.
getVector3ByPrefixes(prefixes, vector3, xmlElement)
Get vector3 from prefixes and xml element.
Get vector3 from xml element.
Get new vector3 if the original vector3 is none.
Get vector3 lists recursively.
getVector3RemoveByPrefix(prefix, vector3, xmlElement)
Get vector3 from prefix and xml element, then remove prefix attributes from dictionary.
Get the visible objects.
getXMLElementByKey(key, xmlElement)
Get the xml element by key.
Get XMLElementObject.
getXMLElementsByKey(key, xmlElement)
Get the xml elements by key.
processArchivable(archivableClass, xmlElement)
Get any new elements and process the archivable.
Process the xml element condition.
setAttributeDictionaryByArguments(argumentNames, arguments, xmlElement)
Set the attribute dictionary to the arguments.

        __author__ = 'Enrique Perez (perez_enrique@yahoo.com)'
__credits__ = 'Art of Illusion <http://www.artofillusion.org/>'
__date__ = '$Date: 2008/02/05 $'
__license__ = 'GPL 3.0'
absolute_import = _Feature((2, 5, 0, 'alpha', 1), (2, 7, 0, 'alpha', 0), 16384)
globalCreationDictionary = {'circle': '/home/enrique/Desktop/backup/babbleold/script/re...eus/fabmetheus_utilities/geometry/creation/circle', 'drill': '/home/enrique/Desktop/backup/babbleold/script/re...eus/fabmetheus_utilities/geometry/creation/_drill', 'extrude': '/home/enrique/Desktop/backup/babbleold/script/re...us/fabmetheus_utilities/geometry/creation/extrude', 'gear': '/home/enrique/Desktop/backup/babbleold/script/re...theus/fabmetheus_utilities/geometry/creation/gear', 'grid': '/home/enrique/Desktop/backup/babbleold/script/re...theus/fabmetheus_utilities/geometry/creation/grid', 'lathe': '/home/enrique/Desktop/backup/babbleold/script/re...heus/fabmetheus_utilities/geometry/creation/lathe', 'line': '/home/enrique/Desktop/backup/babbleold/script/re...theus/fabmetheus_utilities/geometry/creation/line', 'lineation': '/home/enrique/Desktop/backup/babbleold/script/re.../fabmetheus_utilities/geometry/creation/lineation', 'polygon': '/home/enrique/Desktop/backup/babbleold/script/re...us/fabmetheus_utilities/geometry/creation/polygon', 'shaft': '/home/enrique/Desktop/backup/babbleold/script/re...heus/fabmetheus_utilities/geometry/creation/shaft', ...}
globalDictionaryOperatorBegin = {'!=': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorNotEqual at 0x837b20c>, '**': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorPower at 0x837b29c>, '<=': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorLessEqual at 0x837b0bc>, '==': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorEqual at 0x836fd4c>, '>=': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorGreaterEqual at 0x837b05c>, '||': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorConcatenate at 0x836fecc>}
globalElementNameSet = set(['creation', 'document'])
globalFundamentalNameSet = set(['_math', 'print'])
globalModuleEvaluatorDictionary = {'creation': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorElement at 0x836ff5c>, 'document': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorElement at 0x836ff5c>, 'math': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorFundamental at 0x837b02c>, 'print': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorFundamental at 0x837b02c>}
globalModuleFunctionsDictionary = {}
globalSplitDictionary = {'!=': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorNotEqual at 0x837b20c>, '%': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorModulo at 0x837b14c>, '(': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorBracketRound at 0x836fe3c>, ')': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.Evaluator at 0x836fcec>, '*': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_ut...es.evaluate.EvaluatorMultiplication at 0x837b17c>, '**': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorPower at 0x837b29c>, '+': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorAddition at 0x836fd1c>, ',': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorComma at 0x836fe9c>, '-': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorSubtraction at 0x836fd7c>, '/': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorDivision at 0x836ff2c>, ...}
globalSplitDictionaryOperator = {'%': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorModulo at 0x837b14c>, '(': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorBracketRound at 0x836fe3c>, ')': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.Evaluator at 0x836fcec>, '*': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_ut...es.evaluate.EvaluatorMultiplication at 0x837b17c>, '+': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorAddition at 0x836fd1c>, ',': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorComma at 0x836fe9c>, '-': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorSubtraction at 0x836fd7c>, '/': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorDivision at 0x836ff2c>, ':': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorDictionary at 0x836fefc>, '<': <class fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities.evaluate.EvaluatorLess at 0x837b0ec>, ...}

        Enrique Perez (perez_enrique@yahoo.com)

        Art of Illusion <http://www.artofillusion.org/>