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- addLoop(derivation, endMultiplier, loopLists, path, portionDirectionIndex, portionDirections, vertexes)
- Add an indexed loop to the vertexes.
- addNegatives(derivation, negatives, paths)
- Add pillars output to negatives.
- addNegativesPositives(derivation, negatives, paths, positives)
- Add pillars output to negatives and positives.
- addOffsetAddToLists(loop, offset, vector3Index, vertexes)
- Add an indexed loop to the vertexes.
- addSpacedPortionDirection(portionDirection, spacedPortionDirections)
- Add spaced portion directions.
- addTwistPortions(interpolationTwist, remainderPortionDirection, twistPrecision)
- Add twist portions.
- comparePortionDirection(portionDirection, otherPortionDirection)
- Comparison in order to sort portion directions in ascending order of portion then direction.
- getGeometryOutput(derivation, xmlElement)
- Get triangle mesh from attribute dictionary.
- getGeometryOutputByArguments(arguments, xmlElement)
- Get triangle mesh from attribute dictionary by arguments.
- getGeometryOutputByConnection(connectionEnd, connectionStart, geometryOutput, xmlElement)
- Get solid output by connection.
- getGeometryOutputByNegativesPositives(derivation, negatives, positives, xmlElement)
- Get triangle mesh from derivation, negatives, positives and xmlElement.
- getGeometryOutputByOffset(geometryOutput, interpolationOffset, xmlElement)
- Get solid output by interpolationOffset.
- getLoopListsByPath(derivation, endMultiplier, path, portionDirections)
- Get loop lists from path.
- getNormalAverage(normals)
- Get normal.
- getNormals(interpolationOffset, offset, portionDirection)
- Get normals.
- getSpacedPortionDirections(interpolationDictionary)
- Get sorted portion directions.
- insertTwistPortions(derivation, xmlElement)
- Insert twist portions and radian the twist.
- processXMLElement(xmlElement)
- Process the xml element.
- setOffsetByMultiplier(begin, end, multiplier, offset)
- Set the offset by the multiplier.