| |
- CloseListener
- DisplayToolButton
- FileHelpMenuBar
- FrameList
- GridHorizontal
- GridVertical
- HelpPage
- HelpPageRepository
- LabelDisplay
- LabelHelp
- LabelSeparator
- LatentStringVar
- LayerCount
- MenuButtonDisplay
- PluginFrame
- PluginGroupFrame
- RepositoryDialog
- StringSetting
- BooleanSetting
- MenuRadio
- Radio
- RadioCapitalized
- RadioPlugin
- RadioCapitalizedButton
- FileNameInput
- FloatSetting
- FloatSpin
- FloatSpinNotOnMenu
- FloatSpinUpdate
- IntSpin
- IntSpinNotOnMenu
- IntSpinUpdate
- IntSetting
- TextSetting
- WindowPosition
- TokenConversion
- ToolDialog
class BooleanSetting(StringSetting) |
A class to display, read & write a boolean. |
Methods defined here:
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Add this to the dialog.
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the repository menu.
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- setStateToValue(self)
- Set the checkbutton to the boolean.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Do nothing because toggleCheckbutton is handling the value.
- setValueToString(self, valueString)
- Set the boolean to the string.
- toggleCheckbutton(self)
- Workaround for Tkinter bug, toggle the value.
- toggleMenuCheckbutton(self)
- Workaround for Tkinter bug, toggle the value.
Methods inherited from StringSetting:
- __init__(self)
- Set the update function to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this StringSetting.
- addToWindow(self)
- Add this to the repository frame list.
- bindEntry(self)
- Bind the entry to the update function.
- createEntry(self, root)
- Create the entry.
- getFromValue(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnly(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromWindow(self)
- Remove this from the repository frame list.
- setUpdateFunction(self, updateFunction)
- Set the update function.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second word of a split line.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer.
class CloseListener |
A class to listen to link a window to the global repository dialog list table. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, window, closeFunction=None)
- Add the window to the global repository dialog list table.
- listenToWidget(self, widget)
- Listen to the destroy message of the widget.
- wasClosed(self, event)
- The dialog was closed.
class FileHelpMenuBar |
| |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, root)
- Create a menu bar with a file and help menu.
- addMenuToMenuBar(self, labelText, menu)
- Add a menu to the menu bar.
- addPluginToMenuBar(self, modulePath, repository, window)
- Add a menu to the menu bar from a tool.
- completeMenu(self, closeFunction, repository, saveFunction, window)
- Complete the menu.
- saveClose(self)
- Call the save function then the close function.
class FileNameInput(StringSetting) |
A class to display, read & write a fileName. |
Methods defined here:
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Add this to the dialog.
- execute(self)
- Open the file picker.
- getFileNameFirstTypes(self)
- Get the file types with the file type of the fileName moved to the front of the list.
- getFromFileName(self, fileTypes, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- setCancelledValue(self, fileName)
- Set the value to the file name and wasCancelled true if a file was not picked.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Do nothing because the file dialog is handling the value.
Methods inherited from StringSetting:
- __init__(self)
- Set the update function to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this StringSetting.
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Do nothing because this should only be added to a frameable repository menu.
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- addToWindow(self)
- Add this to the repository frame list.
- bindEntry(self)
- Bind the entry to the update function.
- createEntry(self, root)
- Create the entry.
- getFromValue(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnly(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromWindow(self)
- Remove this from the repository frame list.
- setStateToValue(self)
- Set the entry to the value.
- setUpdateFunction(self, updateFunction)
- Set the update function.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second word of a split line.
- setValueToString(self, valueString)
- Set the value to the value string.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer.
class FloatSetting(StringSetting) |
A class to display, read & write a float. |
Methods defined here:
- setValueToString(self, valueString)
- Set the float to the string.
Methods inherited from StringSetting:
- __init__(self)
- Set the update function to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this StringSetting.
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Add this to the dialog.
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Do nothing because this should only be added to a frameable repository menu.
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- addToWindow(self)
- Add this to the repository frame list.
- bindEntry(self)
- Bind the entry to the update function.
- createEntry(self, root)
- Create the entry.
- getFromValue(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnly(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromWindow(self)
- Remove this from the repository frame list.
- setStateToValue(self)
- Set the entry to the value.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Set the string to the entry field.
- setUpdateFunction(self, updateFunction)
- Set the update function.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second word of a split line.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer.
class FloatSpin(FloatSetting) |
A class to display, read & write an float in a spin box. |
- Method resolution order:
- FloatSpin
- FloatSetting
- StringSetting
Methods defined here:
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- bindEntry(self)
- Bind the entry to the update function.
- createEntry(self, root)
- Create the entry.
- decrease(self)
- Decrease the value then set the state and color to the value.
- entryUpdated(self, event=None)
- Create the entry.
- getFromValue(self, from_, name, repository, to, value)
- Initialize.
- increase(self)
- Increase the value then set the state and color to the value.
- setColor(self, event=None)
- Set the color to the value, yellow if it is lower than the default and blue if it is higher.
- setColorToDisplay(self, event=None)
- Set the color to the value, yellow if it is lower than the default and blue if it is higher.
- setStateToValue(self)
- Set the entry to the value.
- setStateUpdateColor(self)
- Set the state to the value, call the update function, then set the color.
Methods inherited from FloatSetting:
- setValueToString(self, valueString)
- Set the float to the string.
Methods inherited from StringSetting:
- __init__(self)
- Set the update function to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this StringSetting.
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Add this to the dialog.
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Do nothing because this should only be added to a frameable repository menu.
- addToWindow(self)
- Add this to the repository frame list.
- getFromValueOnly(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromWindow(self)
- Remove this from the repository frame list.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Set the string to the entry field.
- setUpdateFunction(self, updateFunction)
- Set the update function.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second word of a split line.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer.
class FloatSpinNotOnMenu(FloatSpin) |
A class to display, read & write an float in a spin box, which is not to be added to a menu. |
- Method resolution order:
- FloatSpinNotOnMenu
- FloatSpin
- FloatSetting
- StringSetting
Methods defined here:
- getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
Methods inherited from FloatSpin:
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- bindEntry(self)
- Bind the entry to the update function.
- createEntry(self, root)
- Create the entry.
- decrease(self)
- Decrease the value then set the state and color to the value.
- entryUpdated(self, event=None)
- Create the entry.
- getFromValue(self, from_, name, repository, to, value)
- Initialize.
- increase(self)
- Increase the value then set the state and color to the value.
- setColor(self, event=None)
- Set the color to the value, yellow if it is lower than the default and blue if it is higher.
- setColorToDisplay(self, event=None)
- Set the color to the value, yellow if it is lower than the default and blue if it is higher.
- setStateToValue(self)
- Set the entry to the value.
- setStateUpdateColor(self)
- Set the state to the value, call the update function, then set the color.
Methods inherited from FloatSetting:
- setValueToString(self, valueString)
- Set the float to the string.
Methods inherited from StringSetting:
- __init__(self)
- Set the update function to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this StringSetting.
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Add this to the dialog.
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Do nothing because this should only be added to a frameable repository menu.
- addToWindow(self)
- Add this to the repository frame list.
- getFromValueOnly(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromWindow(self)
- Remove this from the repository frame list.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Set the string to the entry field.
- setUpdateFunction(self, updateFunction)
- Set the update function.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second word of a split line.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer.
class FloatSpinUpdate(FloatSpin) |
A class to display, read, update & write an float in a spin box. |
- Method resolution order:
- FloatSpinUpdate
- FloatSpin
- FloatSetting
- StringSetting
Methods defined here:
- createEntry(self, root)
- Create the entry.
Methods inherited from FloatSpin:
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- bindEntry(self)
- Bind the entry to the update function.
- decrease(self)
- Decrease the value then set the state and color to the value.
- entryUpdated(self, event=None)
- Create the entry.
- getFromValue(self, from_, name, repository, to, value)
- Initialize.
- increase(self)
- Increase the value then set the state and color to the value.
- setColor(self, event=None)
- Set the color to the value, yellow if it is lower than the default and blue if it is higher.
- setColorToDisplay(self, event=None)
- Set the color to the value, yellow if it is lower than the default and blue if it is higher.
- setStateToValue(self)
- Set the entry to the value.
- setStateUpdateColor(self)
- Set the state to the value, call the update function, then set the color.
Methods inherited from FloatSetting:
- setValueToString(self, valueString)
- Set the float to the string.
Methods inherited from StringSetting:
- __init__(self)
- Set the update function to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this StringSetting.
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Add this to the dialog.
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Do nothing because this should only be added to a frameable repository menu.
- addToWindow(self)
- Add this to the repository frame list.
- getFromValueOnly(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromWindow(self)
- Remove this from the repository frame list.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Set the string to the entry field.
- setUpdateFunction(self, updateFunction)
- Set the update function.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second word of a split line.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer.
class FrameList |
A class to list the frames. |
Methods defined here:
- addToList(self, word)
- Add the word to the sorted list.
- getFromValue(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromList(self, word)
- Remove the word from the sorted list.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Do nothing because frame list does not have a display.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second and later words of a split line.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and list to the repository writer.
class GridHorizontal |
A class to place elements horizontally on a grid. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, column, row)
- Initialize the column and row.
- getCopy(self)
- Get a copy.
- increment(self)
- Increment the position horizontally.
class GridVertical |
A class to place elements vertically on a grid. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, column, row)
- Initialize the column and row.
- execute(self)
- The execute button was clicked.
- getCopy(self)
- Get a copy.
- increment(self)
- Increment the position vertically.
- incrementGivenNumberOfColumns(self, numberOfColumns)
- Increment the position vertically and offset it horizontally by the given number of columns.
- setExecutablesRepository(self, repository)
- Set the executables to an empty list and set the repository.
class HelpPage |
A class to open a help page. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self)
- Initialize column.
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Add this to the dialog.
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the repository menu.
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- getFromNameAfterHTTP(self, afterHTTP, name, repository)
- Initialize.
- getFromNameAfterWWW(self, afterWWW, name, repository)
- Initialize.
- getFromNameSubName(self, name, repository, subName='')
- Initialize.
- getOpenFromAbsolute(self, hypertextAddress)
- Get the open help page function from the hypertext address.
- getOpenFromAfterHTTP(self, afterHTTP)
- Get the open help page function from the part of the address after the HTTP.
- getOpenFromAfterWWW(self, afterWWW)
- Get the open help page function from the afterWWW of the address after the www.
- getOpenFromDocumentationSubName(self, subName='')
- Get the open help page function from the afterWWW of the address after the www.
- openPage(self, event=None)
- Open the browser to the hypertext address.
- setToNameRepository(self, name, repository)
- Set to the name and repository.
class HelpPageRepository |
A class to open a repository help page. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, repository)
- Add this to the dialog.
- openPage(self, event=None)
- Open the browser to the repository help page.
class IntSetting(FloatSetting) |
A class to display, read & write an int. |
- Method resolution order:
- IntSetting
- FloatSetting
- StringSetting
Methods defined here:
- setValueToString(self, valueString)
- Set the integer to the string.
Methods inherited from StringSetting:
- __init__(self)
- Set the update function to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this StringSetting.
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Add this to the dialog.
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Do nothing because this should only be added to a frameable repository menu.
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- addToWindow(self)
- Add this to the repository frame list.
- bindEntry(self)
- Bind the entry to the update function.
- createEntry(self, root)
- Create the entry.
- getFromValue(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnly(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromWindow(self)
- Remove this from the repository frame list.
- setStateToValue(self)
- Set the entry to the value.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Set the string to the entry field.
- setUpdateFunction(self, updateFunction)
- Set the update function.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second word of a split line.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer.
class IntSpin(FloatSpin) |
A class to display, read & write an int in a spin box. |
- Method resolution order:
- IntSpin
- FloatSpin
- FloatSetting
- StringSetting
Methods defined here:
- getFromValue(self, from_, name, repository, to, value)
- Initialize.
- getSingleIncrementFromValue(self, from_, name, repository, to, value)
- Initialize.
- setValueToString(self, valueString)
- Set the integer to the string.
Methods inherited from FloatSpin:
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- bindEntry(self)
- Bind the entry to the update function.
- createEntry(self, root)
- Create the entry.
- decrease(self)
- Decrease the value then set the state and color to the value.
- entryUpdated(self, event=None)
- Create the entry.
- increase(self)
- Increase the value then set the state and color to the value.
- setColor(self, event=None)
- Set the color to the value, yellow if it is lower than the default and blue if it is higher.
- setColorToDisplay(self, event=None)
- Set the color to the value, yellow if it is lower than the default and blue if it is higher.
- setStateToValue(self)
- Set the entry to the value.
- setStateUpdateColor(self)
- Set the state to the value, call the update function, then set the color.
Methods inherited from StringSetting:
- __init__(self)
- Set the update function to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this StringSetting.
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Add this to the dialog.
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Do nothing because this should only be added to a frameable repository menu.
- addToWindow(self)
- Add this to the repository frame list.
- getFromValueOnly(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromWindow(self)
- Remove this from the repository frame list.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Set the string to the entry field.
- setUpdateFunction(self, updateFunction)
- Set the update function.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second word of a split line.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer.
class IntSpinNotOnMenu(IntSpin) |
A class to display, read & write an integer in a spin box, which is not to be added to a menu. |
- Method resolution order:
- IntSpinNotOnMenu
- IntSpin
- FloatSpin
- FloatSetting
- StringSetting
Methods defined here:
- getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
Methods inherited from IntSpin:
- getFromValue(self, from_, name, repository, to, value)
- Initialize.
- getSingleIncrementFromValue(self, from_, name, repository, to, value)
- Initialize.
- setValueToString(self, valueString)
- Set the integer to the string.
Methods inherited from FloatSpin:
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- bindEntry(self)
- Bind the entry to the update function.
- createEntry(self, root)
- Create the entry.
- decrease(self)
- Decrease the value then set the state and color to the value.
- entryUpdated(self, event=None)
- Create the entry.
- increase(self)
- Increase the value then set the state and color to the value.
- setColor(self, event=None)
- Set the color to the value, yellow if it is lower than the default and blue if it is higher.
- setColorToDisplay(self, event=None)
- Set the color to the value, yellow if it is lower than the default and blue if it is higher.
- setStateToValue(self)
- Set the entry to the value.
- setStateUpdateColor(self)
- Set the state to the value, call the update function, then set the color.
Methods inherited from StringSetting:
- __init__(self)
- Set the update function to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this StringSetting.
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Add this to the dialog.
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Do nothing because this should only be added to a frameable repository menu.
- addToWindow(self)
- Add this to the repository frame list.
- getFromValueOnly(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromWindow(self)
- Remove this from the repository frame list.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Set the string to the entry field.
- setUpdateFunction(self, updateFunction)
- Set the update function.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second word of a split line.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer.
class IntSpinUpdate(IntSpin) |
A class to display, read, update & write an int in a spin box. |
- Method resolution order:
- IntSpinUpdate
- IntSpin
- FloatSpin
- FloatSetting
- StringSetting
Methods defined here:
- createEntry(self, root)
- Create the entry.
Methods inherited from IntSpin:
- getFromValue(self, from_, name, repository, to, value)
- Initialize.
- getSingleIncrementFromValue(self, from_, name, repository, to, value)
- Initialize.
- setValueToString(self, valueString)
- Set the integer to the string.
Methods inherited from FloatSpin:
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- bindEntry(self)
- Bind the entry to the update function.
- decrease(self)
- Decrease the value then set the state and color to the value.
- entryUpdated(self, event=None)
- Create the entry.
- increase(self)
- Increase the value then set the state and color to the value.
- setColor(self, event=None)
- Set the color to the value, yellow if it is lower than the default and blue if it is higher.
- setColorToDisplay(self, event=None)
- Set the color to the value, yellow if it is lower than the default and blue if it is higher.
- setStateToValue(self)
- Set the entry to the value.
- setStateUpdateColor(self)
- Set the state to the value, call the update function, then set the color.
Methods inherited from StringSetting:
- __init__(self)
- Set the update function to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this StringSetting.
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Add this to the dialog.
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Do nothing because this should only be added to a frameable repository menu.
- addToWindow(self)
- Add this to the repository frame list.
- getFromValueOnly(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromWindow(self)
- Remove this from the repository frame list.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Set the string to the entry field.
- setUpdateFunction(self, updateFunction)
- Set the update function.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second word of a split line.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer.
class LabelHelp |
A class to add help to a widget. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, fileNameHelp, master, name, widget)
- Add menu to the widget.
- displayPopupMenu(self, event=None)
- Display the popup menu when the button is right clicked.
- unpostPopupMenu(self, event=None)
- Unpost the popup menu.
class MenuRadio(BooleanSetting) |
A class to display, read & write a boolean with associated menu radio button. |
- Method resolution order:
- MenuRadio
- BooleanSetting
- StringSetting
Methods defined here:
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Add this to the dialog.
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the submenu set by MenuButtonDisplay, the repository menu is ignored
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- addToSubmenu(self)
- Add this to the submenu.
- clickRadio(self)
- Workaround for Tkinter bug, invoke and set the value when clicked.
- getFromMenuButtonDisplay(self, menuButtonDisplay, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- invoke(self)
- Workaround for Tkinter bug, invoke to set the value when changed.
- setStateToValue(self)
- Set the checkbutton to the boolean.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Set the boolean to the checkbutton.
Methods inherited from BooleanSetting:
- setValueToString(self, valueString)
- Set the boolean to the string.
- toggleCheckbutton(self)
- Workaround for Tkinter bug, toggle the value.
- toggleMenuCheckbutton(self)
- Workaround for Tkinter bug, toggle the value.
Methods inherited from StringSetting:
- __init__(self)
- Set the update function to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this StringSetting.
- addToWindow(self)
- Add this to the repository frame list.
- bindEntry(self)
- Bind the entry to the update function.
- createEntry(self, root)
- Create the entry.
- getFromValue(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnly(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromWindow(self)
- Remove this from the repository frame list.
- setUpdateFunction(self, updateFunction)
- Set the update function.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second word of a split line.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer.
class Radio(BooleanSetting) |
A class to display, read & write a boolean with associated radio button. |
- Method resolution order:
- Radio
- BooleanSetting
- StringSetting
Methods defined here:
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Add this to the dialog.
- clickRadio(self)
- Workaround for Tkinter bug, set the value.
- createRadioButton(self, gridPosition)
- Create the radio button.
- getFromRadio(self, latentStringVar, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- setSelect(self)
- Set the int var and select the radio button.
- setStateToValue(self)
- Set the checkbutton to the boolean.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Set the boolean to the checkbutton.
Methods inherited from BooleanSetting:
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the repository menu.
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- setValueToString(self, valueString)
- Set the boolean to the string.
- toggleCheckbutton(self)
- Workaround for Tkinter bug, toggle the value.
- toggleMenuCheckbutton(self)
- Workaround for Tkinter bug, toggle the value.
Methods inherited from StringSetting:
- __init__(self)
- Set the update function to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this StringSetting.
- addToWindow(self)
- Add this to the repository frame list.
- bindEntry(self)
- Bind the entry to the update function.
- createEntry(self, root)
- Create the entry.
- getFromValue(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnly(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromWindow(self)
- Remove this from the repository frame list.
- setUpdateFunction(self, updateFunction)
- Set the update function.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second word of a split line.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer.
class RadioCapitalized(Radio) |
A class to display, read & write a boolean with associated radio button. |
- Method resolution order:
- RadioCapitalized
- Radio
- BooleanSetting
- StringSetting
Methods defined here:
- createRadioButton(self, gridPosition)
- Create the radio button.
Methods inherited from Radio:
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Add this to the dialog.
- clickRadio(self)
- Workaround for Tkinter bug, set the value.
- getFromRadio(self, latentStringVar, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- setSelect(self)
- Set the int var and select the radio button.
- setStateToValue(self)
- Set the checkbutton to the boolean.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Set the boolean to the checkbutton.
Methods inherited from BooleanSetting:
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the repository menu.
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- setValueToString(self, valueString)
- Set the boolean to the string.
- toggleCheckbutton(self)
- Workaround for Tkinter bug, toggle the value.
- toggleMenuCheckbutton(self)
- Workaround for Tkinter bug, toggle the value.
Methods inherited from StringSetting:
- __init__(self)
- Set the update function to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this StringSetting.
- addToWindow(self)
- Add this to the repository frame list.
- bindEntry(self)
- Bind the entry to the update function.
- createEntry(self, root)
- Create the entry.
- getFromValue(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnly(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromWindow(self)
- Remove this from the repository frame list.
- setUpdateFunction(self, updateFunction)
- Set the update function.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second word of a split line.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer.
class RadioCapitalizedButton(Radio) |
A class to display, read & write a boolean with associated radio button. |
- Method resolution order:
- RadioCapitalizedButton
- Radio
- BooleanSetting
- StringSetting
Methods defined here:
- createRadioButton(self, gridPosition)
- Create the radio button.
- displayDialog(self)
- Display function.
- getFromPath(self, latentStringVar, name, path, repository, value)
- Initialize.
Methods inherited from Radio:
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Add this to the dialog.
- clickRadio(self)
- Workaround for Tkinter bug, set the value.
- getFromRadio(self, latentStringVar, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- setSelect(self)
- Set the int var and select the radio button.
- setStateToValue(self)
- Set the checkbutton to the boolean.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Set the boolean to the checkbutton.
Methods inherited from BooleanSetting:
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the repository menu.
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- setValueToString(self, valueString)
- Set the boolean to the string.
- toggleCheckbutton(self)
- Workaround for Tkinter bug, toggle the value.
- toggleMenuCheckbutton(self)
- Workaround for Tkinter bug, toggle the value.
Methods inherited from StringSetting:
- __init__(self)
- Set the update function to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this StringSetting.
- addToWindow(self)
- Add this to the repository frame list.
- bindEntry(self)
- Bind the entry to the update function.
- createEntry(self, root)
- Create the entry.
- getFromValue(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnly(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromWindow(self)
- Remove this from the repository frame list.
- setUpdateFunction(self, updateFunction)
- Set the update function.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second word of a split line.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer.
class RadioPlugin(RadioCapitalized) |
A class to display, read & write a boolean with associated radio button. |
- Method resolution order:
- RadioPlugin
- RadioCapitalized
- Radio
- BooleanSetting
- StringSetting
Methods defined here:
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Add this to the dialog.
- getFromRadio(self, important, latentStringVar, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- incrementGridPosition(self, gridPosition)
- Increment the grid position.
Methods inherited from RadioCapitalized:
- createRadioButton(self, gridPosition)
- Create the radio button.
Methods inherited from Radio:
- clickRadio(self)
- Workaround for Tkinter bug, set the value.
- setSelect(self)
- Set the int var and select the radio button.
- setStateToValue(self)
- Set the checkbutton to the boolean.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Set the boolean to the checkbutton.
Methods inherited from BooleanSetting:
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the repository menu.
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- setValueToString(self, valueString)
- Set the boolean to the string.
- toggleCheckbutton(self)
- Workaround for Tkinter bug, toggle the value.
- toggleMenuCheckbutton(self)
- Workaround for Tkinter bug, toggle the value.
Methods inherited from StringSetting:
- __init__(self)
- Set the update function to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this StringSetting.
- addToWindow(self)
- Add this to the repository frame list.
- bindEntry(self)
- Bind the entry to the update function.
- createEntry(self, root)
- Create the entry.
- getFromValue(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnly(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromWindow(self)
- Remove this from the repository frame list.
- setUpdateFunction(self, updateFunction)
- Set the update function.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second word of a split line.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer.
class StringSetting |
A class to display, read & write a string. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self)
- Set the update function to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this StringSetting.
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Add this to the dialog.
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Do nothing because this should only be added to a frameable repository menu.
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- addToWindow(self)
- Add this to the repository frame list.
- bindEntry(self)
- Bind the entry to the update function.
- createEntry(self, root)
- Create the entry.
- getFromValue(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnly(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromWindow(self)
- Remove this from the repository frame list.
- setStateToValue(self)
- Set the entry to the value.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Set the string to the entry field.
- setUpdateFunction(self, updateFunction)
- Set the update function.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second word of a split line.
- setValueToString(self, valueString)
- Set the value to the value string.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer.
class TextSetting(StringSetting) |
A class to display, read & write a text. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self)
- Set the update function to none.
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Add this to the dialog.
- getFromValue(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- setStateToValue(self)
- Set the entry to the value.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Set the string to the entry field.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second word of a split line.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer.
Methods inherited from StringSetting:
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this StringSetting.
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Do nothing because this should only be added to a frameable repository menu.
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- addToWindow(self)
- Add this to the repository frame list.
- bindEntry(self)
- Bind the entry to the update function.
- createEntry(self, root)
- Create the entry.
- getFromValueOnly(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromWindow(self)
- Remove this from the repository frame list.
- setUpdateFunction(self, updateFunction)
- Set the update function.
- setValueToString(self, valueString)
- Set the value to the value string.
class TokenConversion |
A class to convert tokens in a string. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, name='replaceToken', token='___replaced___')
- Set the name and token.
- getNamedString(self, text)
- Get a string with the tokens changed to names.
- getTokenizedString(self, text)
- Get a string with the names changed to tokens.
class ToolDialog |
A class to display the tool repository dialog. |
Methods defined here:
- addPluginToMenu(self, menu, path)
- Add the display command to the menu.
- display(self)
- Display the tool repository dialog.
- getFromPath(self, path)
- Initialize and return display function.
class WindowPosition(StringSetting) |
A class to display, read & write a window position. |
Methods defined here:
- addToDialog(self, gridPosition)
- Set the root to later get the geometry.
- getFromValue(self, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- setToDisplay(self)
- Set the string to the window position.
- setWindowPosition(self)
- Set the window position.
Methods inherited from StringSetting:
- __init__(self)
- Set the update function to none.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this StringSetting.
- addToMenu(self, repositoryMenu)
- Do nothing because this should only be added to a frameable repository menu.
- addToMenuFrameable(self, repositoryMenu)
- Add this to the frameable repository menu.
- addToWindow(self)
- Add this to the repository frame list.
- bindEntry(self)
- Bind the entry to the update function.
- createEntry(self, root)
- Create the entry.
- getFromValueOnly(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(self, name, repository, value)
- Initialize.
- removeFromWindow(self)
- Remove this from the repository frame list.
- setStateToValue(self)
- Set the entry to the value.
- setUpdateFunction(self, updateFunction)
- Set the update function.
- setValueToSplitLine(self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine)
- Set the value to the second word of a split line.
- setValueToString(self, valueString)
- Set the value to the value string.
- writeToRepositoryWriter(self, repositoryWriter)
- Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer.
| |