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- addCircleIntersectionLoop(circleIntersectionPaths, circleIntersections)
- Add a circle intersection loop.
- addEndCap(begin, end, points, radius)
- Get a pair of side points.
- addInsetPointFromClockwiseTriple(begin, center, end, loop, radius)
- Get inset point with possible intersection from clockwise triple, out from widdershins loop.
- addOrbits(distanceFeedRate, loop, orbitalFeedRatePerSecond, temperatureChangeTime, z)
- Add orbits with the extruder off.
- addOrbitsIfLarge(distanceFeedRate, loop, orbitalFeedRatePerSecond, temperatureChangeTime, z)
- Add orbits with the extruder off if the orbits are large enough.
- addPointsFromSegment(pointBegin, pointEnd, points, radius, thresholdRatio=0.90000000000000002)
- Add point complexes between the endpoints of a segment.
- directLoop(isWiddershins, loop)
- Direct the loop.
- directLoopLists(isWiddershins, loopLists)
- Direct the loop lists.
- directLoops(isWiddershins, loops)
- Direct the loops.
- getAroundsFromLoop(loop, radius, thresholdRatio=0.90000000000000002)
- Get the arounds from the loop.
- getAroundsFromLoops(loops, radius, thresholdRatio=0.90000000000000002)
- Get the arounds from the loops.
- getAroundsFromPath(path, radius, thresholdRatio=0.90000000000000002)
- Get the arounds from the path.
- getAroundsFromPaths(paths, radius, thresholdRatio=0.90000000000000002)
- Get the arounds from the path.
- getAroundsFromPoints(points, radius)
- Get the arounds from the points.
- getCentersFromCircleNodes(circleNodes, radius)
- Get the complex centers of the circle intersection loops from circle nodes.
- getCentersFromIntersectionLoop(circleIntersectionLoop, radius)
- Get the centers from the intersection loop.
- getCentersFromIntersectionLoops(circleIntersectionLoops, radius)
- Get the centers from the intersection loops.
- getCentersFromLoop(loop, radius)
- Get the centers of the loop.
- getCentersFromLoopDirection(isWiddershins, loop, radius)
- Get the centers of the loop which go around in the given direction.
- getCentersFromPoints(points, radius)
- Get the centers from the points.
- getCircleIntersectionLoops(circleIntersections)
- Get all the loops going through the circle intersections.
- getCircleIntersectionsFromCircleNodes(circleNodes)
- Get all the circle intersections which exist between all the circle nodes.
- getCircleNodesFromLoop(loop, radius, thresholdRatio=0.90000000000000002)
- Get the circle nodes from every point on a loop and between points.
- getCircleNodesFromPoints(points, radius)
- Get the circle nodes from a path.
- getInsetLoopsFromLoop(inset, loop, thresholdRatio=0.90000000000000002)
- Get the inset loops, which might overlap.
- getInsetLoopsFromLoops(inset, loops)
- Get the inset loops, which might overlap.
- getInsetLoopsFromVector3Loop(loop, radius, thresholdRatio=0.90000000000000002)
- Get the inset loops from vector3 loop, which might overlap.
- getInsetSeparateLoopsFromLoops(inset, loops, thresholdRatio=0.90000000000000002)
- Get the separate inset loops.
- getLargestCenterOutsetLoopFromLoop(loop, radius, thresholdRatio=0.90000000000000002)
- Get the largest circle outset loop from the loop.
- getLargestCenterOutsetLoopFromLoopRegardless(loop, radius)
- Get the largest circle outset loop from the loop, even if the radius has to be shrunk and even if there is still no outset loop.
- getLargestInsetLoopFromLoop(loop, radius)
- Get the largest inset loop from the loop.
- getLargestInsetLoopFromLoopRegardless(loop, radius)
- Get the largest inset loop from the loop, even if the radius has to be shrunk and even if there is still no inset loop.
- getLoopsFromLoopsDirection(isWiddershins, loops)
- Get the loops going round in a given direction.
- getPointsFromLoop(loop, radius, thresholdRatio=0.90000000000000002)
- Get the points from every point on a loop and between points.
- getPointsFromLoops(loops, radius, thresholdRatio=0.90000000000000002)
- Get the points from every point on a loop and between points.
- getPointsFromPath(path, radius, thresholdRatio=0.90000000000000002)
- Get the points from every point on a path and between points.
- getSimplifiedInsetFromClockwiseLoop(loop, radius)
- Get loop inset from clockwise loop, out from widdershins loop.
- getWiddershinsByLength(begin, end, length)
- Get the widdershins by length.
- getWithoutIntersections(loop)
- Get loop without intersections.
- isLargeSameDirection(inset, loop, radius)
- Determine if the inset is in the same direction as the loop and it is large enough.
- isLoopIntersectingLoop(anotherLoop, loop)
- Determine if the a loop is intersecting another loop.
- orbitsAreLarge(loop, temperatureChangeTime)
- Determine if the orbits are large enough.
- removeIntersection(loop)
- Get loop without the first intersection.