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The script is an import translator plugin to get a carving from an Art of Illusion xml file.
An import plugin is a script in the interpret_plugins folder which has the function getCarving. It is meant to be run from the interpret tool. To ensure that the plugin works on platforms which do not handle file capitalization properly, give the plugin a lower case name.
The getCarving function takes the file name of an xml file and returns the carving.
This example gets a triangle mesh for the xml file boolean.xml. This example is run in a terminal in the folder which contains boolean.xml and
> python
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Sep 22 2007, 01:43:31)
[GCC 4.2.1 (SUSE Linux)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import xml
>>> xml.getCarving().getCarveRotatedBoundaryLayers()
[-1.159765625, None, [[(-18.925000000000001-2.4550000000000001j), (-18.754999999999981-2.4550000000000001j)
many more lines of the carving
An xml file can be exported from Art of Illusion by going to the "File" menu, then going into the "Export" menu item, then picking the XML choice. This will bring up the XML file chooser window, choose a place to save the file then click "OK". Leave the "compressFile" checkbox unchecked. All the objects from the scene will be exported, this plugin will ignore the light and camera. If you want to fabricate more than one object at a time, you can have multiple objects in the Art of Illusion scene and they will all be carved, then fabricated together.
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Classes |
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- fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.solids.trianglemesh.TriangleMesh(
- Cube
class Cube(fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.solids.trianglemesh.TriangleMesh) |
A cube object. |
- Method resolution order:
- Cube
- fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.solids.trianglemesh.TriangleMesh
- fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_tools.dictionary.Dictionary
Methods defined here:
- addXMLSection(self, depth, output)
- Add the xml section for this object.
- createShape(self)
- Create the shape.
- setToObjectAttributeDictionary(self)
- Set the shape of this carvable object info.
Methods inherited from fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.solids.trianglemesh.TriangleMesh:
- __init__(self)
- Add empty lists.
- getCarveCornerMaximum(self)
- Get the corner maximum of the vertexes.
- getCarveCornerMinimum(self)
- Get the corner minimum of the vertexes.
- getCarveLayerThickness(self)
- Get the layer thickness.
- getCarveRotatedBoundaryLayers(self)
- Get the rotated boundary layers.
- getFabmetheusXML(self)
- Return the fabmetheus XML.
- getInterpretationSuffix(self)
- Return the suffix for a triangle mesh.
- getLoops(self, importRadius, z)
- Get loops sliced through shape.
- getLoopsFromMesh(self, z)
- Get loops from a carve of a mesh.
- getTransformedVertexes(self)
- Get all transformed vertexes.
- getTriangleMeshes(self)
- Get all triangleMeshes.
- getVertexes(self)
- Get all vertexes.
- getZAddExtruderPaths(self, z)
- Get next z and add extruder loops.
- setCarveBridgeLayerThickness(self, bridgeLayerThickness)
- Set the bridge layer thickness. If the infill is not in the direction of the bridge, the bridge layer thickness should be given as None or not set at all.
- setCarveImportRadius(self, importRadius)
- Set the import radius.
- setCarveIsCorrectMesh(self, isCorrectMesh)
- Set the is correct mesh flag.
- setCarveLayerThickness(self, layerThickness)
- Set the layer thickness.
- setEdgesForAllFaces(self)
- Set the face edges of all the faces.
Methods inherited from
- addXMLInnerSection(self, depth, output)
- Add xml inner section for this object.
- getMatrixChainTetragrid(self)
- Get the matrix chain tetragrid.
- getVisible(self)
- Get visible.
Methods inherited from fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_tools.dictionary.Dictionary:
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this object info.
- addXML(self, depth, output)
- Add xml for this object.
- addXMLArchivableObjects(self, depth, output)
- Add xml for this object.
- getAttributeDictionary(self)
- Get attribute table.
- getComplexTransformedPathLists(self)
- Get complex transformed path lists.
- getFabricationExtension(self)
- Get fabrication extension.
- getFabricationText(self)
- Get fabrication text.
- getPaths(self)
- Get all paths.
- getTransformedPaths(self)
- Get all transformed paths.
- getType(self)
- Get type.
- getXMLClassName(self)
- Get xml class name.
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Data |
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__author__ = 'Enrique Perez ('
__credits__ = 'Nophead <>\nArt of Illusion <>'
__date__ = '$Date: 2008/21/04 $'
__license__ = 'GPL 3.0'
absolute_import = _Feature((2, 5, 0, 'alpha', 1), (2, 7, 0, 'alpha', 0), 16384) |
Author |
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Enrique Perez ( |