| |
- addToNamePathDictionary(directoryPath, namePathDictionary)
- Add to the name path dictionary.
- getAbsoluteFolderPath(filePath, folderName='')
- Get the absolute folder path.
- getAbsoluteFrozenFolderPath(filePath, folderName='')
- Get the absolute frozen folder path.
- getDocumentationPath(subName='')
- Get the documentation file path.
- getElementsPath(subName='')
- Get the evaluate_elements directory path.
- getEndsWithList(word, wordEndings)
- Determine if the word ends with a list.
- getFabmetheusPath(subName='')
- Get the fabmetheus directory path.
- getFabmetheusUtilitiesPath(subName='')
- Get the fabmetheus utilities directory path.
- getFilePathWithUnderscoredBasename(fileName, suffix)
- Get the file path with all spaces in the basename replaced with underscores.
- getFilePaths(fileInDirectory='')
- Get the file paths in the directory of the file in directory.
- getFilePathsRecursively(fileInDirectory='')
- Get the file paths in the directory of the file in directory.
- getFileText(fileName, readMode='r', printWarning=True)
- Get the entire text of a file.
- getFileTextInFileDirectory(fileInDirectory, fileName, readMode='r')
- Get the entire text of a file in the directory of the file in directory.
- getFilesWithFileTypeWithoutWords(fileType, words=[], fileInDirectory='')
- Get files which have a given file type, but with do not contain a word in a list.
- getFilesWithFileTypesWithoutWords(fileTypes, words=[], fileInDirectory='')
- Get files which have a given file type, but with do not contain a word in a list.
- getFilesWithFileTypesWithoutWordsRecursively(fileTypes, words=[], fileInDirectory='')
- Get files recursively which have a given file type, but with do not contain a word in a list.
- getFundamentalsPath(subName='')
- Get the evaluate_fundamentals directory path.
- getGeometryDictionary(folderName)
- Get to the geometry name path dictionary.
- getGeometryPath(subName='')
- Get the geometry directory path.
- getGeometryToolsPath(subName='')
- Get the geometry tools directory path.
- getGeometryUtilitiesPath(subName='')
- Get the geometry_utilities directory path.
- getJoinedPath(path, subName='')
- Get the joined file path.
- getModuleWithDirectoryPath(directoryPath, fileName)
- Get the module from the fileName and folder name.
- getModuleWithPath(path)
- Get the module from the path.
- getPluginFileNamesFromDirectoryPath(directoryPath)
- Get the file names of the python plugins in the directory path.
- getProfilesPath(subName='')
- Get the profiles directory path, which is the settings directory joined with profiles.
- getPythonDirectoryNames(directoryName)
- Get the python directories.
- getPythonDirectoryNamesRecursively(directoryName='')
- Get the python directories recursively.
- getPythonFileNamesExceptInit(fileInDirectory='')
- Get the python fileNames of the directory which the fileInDirectory is in, except for the __init__.py file.
- getPythonFileNamesExceptInitRecursively(directoryName='')
- Get the python fileNames of the directory recursively, except for the __init__.py files.
- getSettingsPath(subName='')
- Get the settings directory path, which is the home directory joined with .skeinforge.
- getSkeinforgePath(subName='')
- Get the skeinforge directory path.
- getSummarizedFileName(fileName)
- Get the fileName basename if the file is in the current working directory, otherwise return the original full name.
- getTextIfEmpty(fileName, text)
- Get the text from a file if it the text is empty.
- getTextLines(text)
- Get the all the lines of text of a text.
- getUntilDot(text)
- Get the text until the last dot, if any.
- getVersionFileName()
- Get the file name of the version date.
- isFileWithFileTypeWithoutWords(fileType, fileName, words)
- Determine if file has a given file type, but with does not contain a word in a list.
- makeDirectory(directory)
- Make a directory if it does not already exist.
- removeBackupFilesByType(fileType)
- Remove backup files by type.
- removeBackupFilesByTypes(fileTypes)
- Remove backup files by types.
- writeFileMessageEnd(end, fileName, fileText, message)
- Write to a fileName with a suffix and print a message.
- writeFileText(fileName, fileText, writeMode='w+')
- Write a text to a file.