| |
- addElementToListDictionary(element, key, listDictionary)
- Add an element to the list table.
- addElementToListDictionaryIfNotThere(element, key, listDictionary)
- Add the value to the lists.
- addElementToPixelList(element, pixelDictionary, x, y)
- Add an element to the pixel list.
- addElementToPixelListFromPoint(element, pixelDictionary, point)
- Add an element to the pixel list.
- addHorizontallyBoundedPoint(begin, center, end, horizontalBegin, horizontalEnd, path)
- Add point if it is within the horizontal bounds.
- addListToListTable(elementList, key, listDictionary)
- Add a list to the list table.
- addLoopToPixelTable(loop, pixelDictionary, width)
- Add loop to the pixel table.
- addNestedRingBeginning(distanceFeedRate, loop, z)
- Add nested ring beginning to gcode output.
- addPathToPixelTable(path, pixelDictionary, value, width)
- Add path to the pixel table.
- addPixelTableToPixelTable(fromPixelTable, intoPixelTable)
- Add from pixel table to the into pixel table.
- addPixelToPixelTableWithSteepness(isSteep, pixelDictionary, value, x, y)
- Add pixels to the pixel table with steepness.
- addPointToPath(path, pixelDictionary, point, value, width)
- Add a point to a path and the pixel table.
- addSegmentToPixelTable(beginComplex, endComplex, pixelDictionary, shortenDistanceBegin, shortenDistanceEnd, width)
- Add line segment to the pixel table.
- addSquareTwoToPixelDictionary(pixelDictionary, point, value, width)
- Add square with two pixels around the center to pixel dictionary.
- addToThreadsFromLoop(extrusionHalfWidth, gcodeType, loop, oldOrderedLocation, skein)
- Add to threads from the last location from loop.
- addToThreadsRemove(extrusionHalfWidth, nestedRings, oldOrderedLocation, skein, threadSequence)
- Add to threads from the last location from nested rings.
- addValueSegmentToPixelTable(beginComplex, endComplex, pixelDictionary, value, width)
- Add line segment to the pixel table.
- addValueToOutput(depth, keyInput, output, value)
- Add value to the output.
- addXIntersectionIndexesFromLoopListsY(loopLists, xIntersectionIndexList, y)
- Add the x intersection indexes for the loop lists.
- addXIntersectionIndexesFromLoopY(loop, solidIndex, xIntersectionIndexList, y)
- Add the x intersection indexes for a loop.
- addXIntersectionIndexesFromLoopsY(loops, solidIndex, xIntersectionIndexList, y)
- Add the x intersection indexes for the loops.
- addXIntersectionIndexesFromSegment(index, segment, xIntersectionIndexList)
- Add the x intersection indexes from the segment.
- addXIntersectionIndexesFromSegments(index, segments, xIntersectionIndexList)
- Add the x intersection indexes from the segments.
- addXIntersectionIndexesFromXIntersections(index, xIntersectionIndexList, xIntersections)
- Add the x intersection indexes from the XIntersections.
- addXIntersections(loop, xIntersections, y)
- Add the x intersections for a loop.
- addXIntersectionsFromLoopForTable(loop, xIntersectionsTable, width)
- Add the x intersections for a loop into a table.
- addXIntersectionsFromLoops(loops, xIntersections, y)
- Add the x intersections for the loops.
- addXIntersectionsFromLoopsForTable(loops, xIntersectionsTable, width)
- Add the x intersections for a loop into a table.
- compareSegmentLength(endpoint, otherEndpoint)
- Get comparison in order to sort endpoints in ascending order of segment length.
- concatenateRemovePath(connectedPaths, pathIndex, paths, pixelDictionary, segments, width)
- Get connected paths from paths.
- getAngleAroundZAxisDifference(subtractFromVec3, subtractVec3)
- Get the angle around the Z axis difference between a pair of Vector3s.
- getAngleDifferenceByComplex(subtractFromComplex, subtractComplex)
- Get the angle between a pair of normalized complexes.
- getAreaLoop(loop)
- Get the area of a complex polygon.
- getAreaLoopAbsolute(loop)
- Get the absolute area of a complex polygon.
- getAreaLoops(loops)
- Get the area of a list of complex polygons.
- getAreaVector3LoopAbsolute(loop)
- Get the absolute area of a vector3 polygon.
- getAroundLoop(begin, end, loop)
- Get an arc around a loop.
- getAwayPath(path, radius)
- Get a path with only the points that are far enough away from each other, except for the last point.
- getAwayPoints(points, radius)
- Get a path with only the points that are far enough away from each other.
- getBooleanFromDictionary(defaultBoolean, dictionary, key)
- Get boolean from the dictionary and key.
- getBooleanFromValue(value)
- Get boolean from the word.
- getBottomByPath(path)
- Get the bottom of the path.
- getBottomByPaths(paths)
- Get the bottom of the paths.
- getClippedAtEndLoopPath(clip, loopPath)
- Get a clipped loop path.
- getClippedLoopPath(clip, loopPath)
- Get a clipped loop path.
- getClippedSimplifiedLoopPath(clip, loopPath, radius)
- Get a clipped and simplified loop path.
- getClosestDistanceIndexToLine(point, loop)
- Get the distance squared to the closest segment of the loop and index of that segment.
- getClosestPointOnSegment(segmentBegin, segmentEnd, point)
- Get the closest point on the segment.
- getComplexByCommaString(valueCommaString)
- Get the commaString as a complex.
- getComplexByWords(words, wordIndex=0)
- Get the complex by the first two words.
- getComplexDefaultByDictionary(defaultComplex, dictionary, key)
- Get the value as a complex.
- getComplexDefaultByDictionaryKeys(defaultComplex, dictionary, keyX, keyY)
- Get the value as a complex.
- getComplexPath(vector3Path)
- Get the complex path from the vector3 path.
- getComplexPathByMultiplier(multiplier, path)
- Get the multiplied complex path.
- getComplexPaths(vector3Paths)
- Get the complex paths from the vector3 paths.
- getComplexPolygon(center, radius, sides, startAngle=0.0)
- Get the complex polygon.
- getComplexPolygonByComplexRadius(radius, sides, startAngle=0.0)
- Get the complex polygon.
- getComplexPolygonByStartEnd(endAngle, radius, sides, startAngle=0.0)
- Get the complex polygon by start and end angle.
- getConcatenatedList(originalLists)
- Get the lists as one concatenated list.
- getConnectedPaths(paths, pixelDictionary, width)
- Get connected paths from paths.
- getCrossProduct(firstComplex, secondComplex)
- Get z component cross product of a pair of complexes.
- getDecimalPlacesCarried(extraDecimalPlaces, value)
- Get decimal places carried by the decimal places of the value plus the extraDecimalPlaces.
- getDiagonalFlippedLoop(loop)
- Get loop flipped over the dialogonal, in other words with the x and y swapped.
- getDiagonalFlippedLoops(loops)
- Get loops flipped over the dialogonal, in other words with the x and y swapped.
- getDictionaryString(dictionary)
- Get the dictionary string.
- getDistanceToLine(begin, end, point)
- Get the distance from a vector3 point to an infinite line.
- getDistanceToLineByPath(begin, end, path)
- Get the maximum distance from a path to an infinite line.
- getDistanceToLineByPaths(begin, end, paths)
- Get the maximum distance from paths to an infinite line.
- getDistanceToPlaneSegment(segmentBegin, segmentEnd, point)
- Get the distance squared from a point to the x & y components of a segment.
- getDotProduct(firstComplex, secondComplex)
- Get the dot product of a pair of complexes.
- getDotProductPlusOne(firstComplex, secondComplex)
- Get the dot product plus one of the x and y components of a pair of Vector3s.
- getDurationString(seconds)
- Get the duration string.
- getEndpointFromPath(path, pathIndex)
- Get endpoint segment from a path.
- getEndpointsFromSegmentTable(segmentTable)
- Get the endpoints from the segment table.
- getEndpointsFromSegments(segments)
- Get endpoints from segments.
- getEnumeratorKeys(enumerator, keys)
- Get enumerator keys.
- getEnumeratorKeysAlwaysList(enumerator, keys)
- Get enumerator keys.
- getEnumeratorKeysExceptForOneArgument(enumerator, keys)
- Get enumerator keys, except when there is one argument.
- getFillOfSurroundings(nestedRings, penultimateFillLoops)
- Get extra fill loops of nested rings.
- getFlattenedNestedRings(nestedRings)
- Get flattened nested rings.
- getFloatDefaultByDictionary(defaultFloat, dictionary, key)
- Get the value as a float.
- getFloatFromValue(value)
- Get the value as a float.
- getFourSignificantFigures(number)
- Get number rounded to four significant figures as a string.
- getHalfSimplifiedLoop(loop, radius, remainder)
- Get the loop with half of the points inside the channel removed.
- getHalfSimplifiedPath(path, radius, remainder)
- Get the path with half of the points inside the channel removed.
- getHorizontallyBoundedPath(horizontalBegin, horizontalEnd, path)
- Get horizontally bounded path.
- getIncrementFromRank(rank)
- Get the increment from the rank which is 0 at 1 and increases by three every power of ten.
- getInsidesAddToOutsides(loops, outsides)
- Add loops to either the insides or outsides.
- getIntFromValue(value)
- Get the value as an int.
- getIntermediateLocation(alongWay, begin, end)
- Get the intermediate location between begin and end.
- getIntersectionOfXIntersectionIndexes(totalSolidSurfaceThickness, xIntersectionIndexList)
- Get x intersections from surrounding layers.
- getIntersectionOfXIntersectionsTables(xIntersectionsTables)
- Get the intersection of the XIntersections tables.
- getIsInFilledRegion(loops, point)
- Determine if the point is in the filled region of the loops.
- getIsInFilledRegionByPaths(loops, paths)
- Determine if the point of any path is in the filled region of the loops.
- getIsRadianClose(firstRadian, secondRadian)
- Determine if the firstRadian is close to the secondRadian.
- getIsWiddershinsByVector3(polygon)
- Determine if the polygon goes round in the widdershins direction.
- getJoinOfXIntersectionIndexes(xIntersectionIndexList)
- Get joined x intersections from surrounding layers.
- getLargestLoop(loops)
- Get largest loop from loops.
- getLeftPoint(points)
- Get the leftmost complex point in the points.
- getLeftPointIndex(points)
- Get the index of the leftmost complex point in the points.
- getListTableElements(listDictionary)
- Get all the element in a list table.
- getLoopCentroid(polygonComplex)
- Get the area of a complex polygon using http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centroid.
- getLoopConvex(points)
- Get convex hull of points using gift wrap algorithm.
- getLoopConvexCentroid(polygonComplex)
- Get centroid of the convex hull of a complex polygon.
- getLoopInsideContainingLoop(containingLoop, loops)
- Get a loop that is inside the containing loop.
- getLoopLength(polygon)
- Get the length of a polygon perimeter.
- getLoopStartingClosest(extrusionHalfWidth, location, loop)
- Add to threads from the last location from loop.
- getLoopWithoutCloseEnds(close, loop)
- Get loop without close ends.
- getLoopWithoutCloseSequentialPoints(close, loop)
- Get loop without close sequential points.
- getMaximum(firstComplex, secondComplex)
- Get a complex with each component the maximum of the respective components of a pair of complexes.
- getMaximumByComplexPath(path)
- Get a complex with each component the maximum of the respective components of a complex path.
- getMaximumByComplexPaths(paths)
- Get a complex with each component the maximum of the respective components of complex paths.
- getMaximumByVector3Path(path)
- Get a vector3 with each component the maximum of the respective components of a vector3 path.
- getMaximumByVector3Paths(paths)
- Get a complex with each component the maximum of the respective components of a complex path.
- getMaximumSpan(loop)
- Get the maximum span of the loop.
- getMinimum(firstComplex, secondComplex)
- Get a complex with each component the minimum of the respective components of a pair of complexes.
- getMinimumByComplexPath(path)
- Get a complex with each component the minimum of the respective components of a complex path.
- getMinimumByComplexPaths(paths)
- Get a complex with each component the minimum of the respective components of complex paths.
- getMinimumByVector3Path(path)
- Get a vector3 with each component the minimum of the respective components of a vector3 path.
- getMinimumByVector3Paths(paths)
- Get a complex with each component the minimum of the respective components of a complex path.
- getMirrorPath(path)
- Get mirror path.
- getNormal(begin, center, end)
- Get normal.
- getNormalByPath(path)
- Get normal by path.
- getNormalWeighted(begin, center, end)
- Get weighted normal.
- getNormalized(complexNumber)
- Get the normalized complex.
- getNumberOfIntersectionsToLeft(loop, point)
- Get the number of intersections through the loop for the line going left.
- getNumberOfIntersectionsToLeftOfLoops(loops, point)
- Get the number of intersections through the loop for the line starting from the left point and going left.
- getOrderedNestedRings(nestedRings)
- Get ordered nestedRings from nestedRings.
- getPathCopy(path)
- Get path copy.
- getPathLength(path)
- Get the length of a path ( an open polyline ).
- getPathsFromEndpoints(endpoints, maximumConnectionLength, pixelDictionary, width)
- Get paths from endpoints.
- getPlaneDot(vec3First, vec3Second)
- Get the dot product of the x and y components of a pair of Vector3s.
- getPluralString(number, suffix)
- Get the plural string.
- getPointPlusSegmentWithLength(length, point, segment)
- Get point plus a segment scaled to a given length.
- getPointsByHorizontalDictionary(width, xIntersectionsDictionary)
- Get points from the horizontalXIntersectionsDictionary.
- getPointsByVerticalDictionary(width, xIntersectionsDictionary)
- Get points from the verticalXIntersectionsDictionary.
- getRadiusArealizedMultiplier(sides)
- Get the radius multiplier for a polygon of equal area.
- getRandomComplex(begin, end)
- Get random complex.
- getRank(width)
- Get the rank which is 0 at 1 and increases by three every power of ten.
- getRotatedComplexLists(planeAngle, pointLists)
- Get point lists rotated by the plane angle
- getRotatedComplexes(planeAngle, points)
- Get points rotated by the plane angle
- getRotatedWiddershinsQuarterAroundZAxis(vector3)
- Get Vector3 rotated a quarter widdershins turn around Z axis.
- getRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle(planeAngle, vector3)
- Get Vector3 rotated by a plane angle.
- getRoundedPoint(point)
- Get point with each component rounded.
- getRoundedToPlaces(decimalPlaces, number)
- Get number rounded to a number of decimal places.
- getRoundedToPlacesString(decimalPlaces, number)
- Get number rounded to a number of decimal places as a string, without exponential formatting.
- getRoundedToThreePlaces(number)
- Get number rounded to three places as a string.
- getSegmentFromPath(path, pathIndex)
- Get endpoint segment from a path.
- getSegmentFromPoints(begin, end)
- Get endpoint segment from a pair of points.
- getSegmentsFromXIntersectionIndexes(xIntersectionIndexList, y)
- Get endpoint segments from the x intersection indexes.
- getSegmentsFromXIntersections(xIntersections, y)
- Get endpoint segments from the x intersections.
- getSimplifiedLoop(loop, radius)
- Get loop with points inside the channel removed.
- getSimplifiedLoops(loops, radius)
- Get the simplified loops.
- getSimplifiedPath(path, radius)
- Get path with points inside the channel removed.
- getSquareIsOccupied(pixelDictionary, x, y)
- Determine if a square around the x and y pixel coordinates is occupied.
- getSquareLoopWiddershins(beginComplex, endComplex)
- Get a square loop from the beginning to the end and back.
- getSquareValues(pixelDictionary, x, y)
- Get a list of the values in a square around the x and y pixel coordinates.
- getSquareValuesFromPoint(pixelDictionary, point)
- Get a list of the values in a square around the point.
- getStepKeyFromPoint(point)
- Get step key for the point.
- getThreeSignificantFigures(number)
- Get number rounded to three significant figures as a string.
- getTopPath(path)
- Get the top of the path.
- getTopPaths(paths)
- Get the top of the paths.
- getTransferClosestNestedRing(extrusionHalfWidth, nestedRings, oldOrderedLocation, skein, threadSequence)
- Get and transfer the closest remaining nested ring.
- getTransferredNestedRings(insides, loop)
- Get transferred paths from inside nested rings.
- getTransferredPaths(insides, loop)
- Get transferred paths from inside paths.
- getTranslatedComplexPath(path, translateComplex)
- Get the translated complex path.
- getVector3Path(complexPath, z=0.0)
- Get the vector3 path from the complex path.
- getVector3Paths(complexPaths, z=0.0)
- Get the vector3 paths from the complex paths.
- getWiddershinsUnitPolar(angle)
- Get polar complex from counterclockwise angle from 1, 0.
- getXIntersectionIfExists(beginComplex, endComplex, y)
- Get the x intersection if it exists.
- getXIntersectionsFromIntersections(xIntersectionIndexList)
- Get x intersections from the x intersection index list, in other words subtract non negative intersections from negatives.
- getXYComplexFromVector3(vector3)
- Get an xy complex from a vector3 if it exists, otherwise return None.
- getYIntersectionIfExists(beginComplex, endComplex, x)
- Get the y intersection if it exists.
- getZComponentCrossProduct(vec3First, vec3Second)
- Get z component cross product of a pair of Vector3s.
- isInsideOtherLoops(loopIndex, loops)
- Determine if a loop in a list is inside another loop in that list.
- isLineIntersectingInsideXSegment(beginComplex, endComplex, segmentFirstX, segmentSecondX, y)
- Determine if the line is crossing inside the x segment.
- isLineIntersectingLoop(loop, pointBegin, pointEnd)
- Determine if the line is intersecting loops.
- isLineIntersectingLoops(loops, pointBegin, pointEnd)
- Determine if the line is intersecting loops.
- isLoopIntersectingInsideXSegment(loop, segmentFirstX, segmentSecondX, segmentYMirror, y)
- Determine if the loop is intersecting inside the x segment.
- isLoopIntersectingLoop(loop, otherLoop)
- Determine if the loop is intersecting the other loop.
- isLoopIntersectingLoops(loop, otherLoops)
- Determine if the loop is intersecting other loops.
- isLoopListIntersecting(loops)
- Determine if a loop in the list is intersecting the other loops.
- isLoopListIntersectingInsideXSegment(loopList, segmentFirstX, segmentSecondX, segmentYMirror, y)
- Determine if the loop list is crossing inside the x segment.
- isPathEntirelyInsideLoop(loop, path)
- Determine if a path is entirely inside another loop.
- isPathEntirelyInsideLoops(loops, path)
- Determine if a path is entirely inside another loop in a list.
- isPathInsideLoop(loop, path)
- Determine if a path is inside another loop.
- isPathInsideLoops(loops, path)
- Determine if a path is inside another loop in a list.
- isPixelTableIntersecting(bigTable, littleTable, maskTable={})
- Add path to the pixel table.
- isPointInsideLoop(loop, point)
- Determine if a point is inside another loop.
- isSegmentCompletelyInX(segment, xFirst, xSecond)
- Determine if the segment overlaps within x.
- isWiddershins(polygonComplex)
- Determine if the complex polygon goes round in the widdershins direction.
- isWithinChannel(channelRadius, pointIndex, loop)
- Determine if the the point is within the channel between two adjacent points.
- isXSegmentIntersectingPath(path, segmentFirstX, segmentSecondX, segmentYMirror, y)
- Determine if a path is crossing inside the x segment.
- isXSegmentIntersectingPaths(paths, segmentFirstX, segmentSecondX, segmentYMirror, y)
- Determine if a path list is crossing inside the x segment.
- joinSegmentTables(fromTable, intoTable)
- Join both segment tables and put the join into the intoTable.
- joinXIntersectionsTables(fromTable, intoTable)
- Join both XIntersections tables and put the join into the intoTable.
- overwriteDictionary(fromDictionary, keys, toDictionary)
- Overwrite the dictionary.
- removeElementFromDictionary(dictionary, key)
- Remove element from the dictionary.
- removeElementFromListTable(element, key, listDictionary)
- Remove an element from the list table.
- removeElementFromPixelListFromPoint(element, pixelDictionary, point)
- Remove an element from the pixel list.
- removeElementsFromDictionary(dictionary, keys)
- Remove list from the dictionary.
- removePixelTableFromPixelTable(pixelDictionaryToBeRemoved, pixelDictionaryToBeRemovedFrom)
- Remove pixel from the pixel table.
- removePrefixFromDictionary(dictionary, prefix)
- Remove the attributes starting with the prefix from the dictionary.
- removeTrueFromDictionary(dictionary, key)
- Remove key from the dictionary in the value is true.
- removeTrueListFromDictionary(dictionary, keys)
- Remove list from the dictionary in the value is true.
- subtractXIntersectionsTable(subtractFromTable, subtractTable)
- Subtract the subtractTable from the subtractFromTable.
- swapList(elements, indexBegin, indexEnd)
- Swap the list elements.
- toggleHashtable(hashtable, key, value)
- Toggle a hashtable between having and not having a key.
- transferClosestFillLoop(extrusionHalfWidth, oldOrderedLocation, remainingFillLoops, skein)
- Transfer the closest remaining fill loop.
- transferClosestPath(oldOrderedLocation, remainingPaths, skein)
- Transfer the closest remaining path.
- transferClosestPaths(oldOrderedLocation, remainingPaths, skein)
- Transfer the closest remaining paths.
- transferPathsToNestedRings(nestedRings, paths)
- Transfer paths to nested rings.
- translateVector3Path(path, translateVector3)
- Translate the vector3 path.
- translateVector3Paths(paths, translateVector3)
- Translate the vector3 paths.
- unbuckleBasis(basis, maximumUnbuckling, normal)
- Unbuckle space.