Methods defined here:
- __abs__(self)
- Get the magnitude of the Vector3.
- __add__(self, other)
- Get the sum of this Vector3 and other one.
- __copy__(self)
- Get the copy of this Vector3.
- __div__(self, other)
- Get a new Vector3 by dividing each component of this one.
- __eq__(self, other)
- Determine whether this vector is identical to other one.
- __floordiv__(self, other)
- Get a new Vector3 by floor dividing each component of this one.
- __hash__(self)
- Determine whether this vector is identical to other one.
- __iadd__(self, other)
- Add other Vector3 to this one.
- __idiv__(self, other)
- Divide each component of this Vector3.
- __ifloordiv__(self, other)
- Floor divide each component of this Vector3.
- __imul__(self, other)
- Multiply each component of this Vector3.
- __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0)
- __isub__(self, other)
- Subtract other Vector3 from this one.
- __itruediv__(self, other)
- True divide each component of this Vector3.
- __mul__(self, other)
- Get a new Vector3 by multiplying each component of this one.
- __ne__(self, other)
- Determine whether this vector is not identical to other one.
- __neg__(self)
- __nonzero__(self)
- __pos__ = __copy__(self)
- __rdiv__(self, other)
- Get a new Vector3 by dividing each component of this one.
- __repr__(self)
- Get the string representation of this Vector3.
- __rfloordiv__(self, other)
- Get a new Vector3 by floor dividing each component of this one.
- __rmul__(self, other)
- Get a new Vector3 by multiplying each component of this one.
- __rtruediv__(self, other)
- Get a new Vector3 by true dividing each component of this one.
- __sub__(self, other)
- Get the difference between the Vector3 and other one.
- __truediv__(self, other)
- Get a new Vector3 by true dividing each component of this one.
- copy = __copy__(self)
- cross(self, other)
- Calculate the cross product of this vector with other one.
- distance(self, other)
- Get the Euclidean distance between this vector and other one.
- distanceSquared(self, other)
- Get the square of the Euclidean distance between this vector and other one.
- dot(self, other)
- Calculate the dot product of this vector with other one.
- dropAxis(self, which=2)
- Get a complex by removing one axis of this one.
Keyword arguments:
which -- the axis to drop (0=X, 1=Y, 2=Z)
- getFloatList(self)
- Get the vector as a list of floats.
- getIsDefault(self)
- Determine if this is the zero vector.
- getNormalized(self)
- Get the normalized Vector3.
- magnitude = __abs__(self)
- magnitudeSquared(self)
- Get the square of the magnitude of the Vector3.
- normalize(self)
- Scale each component of this Vector3 so that it has a magnitude of 1. If this Vector3 has a magnitude of 0, this method has no effect.
- reflect(self, normal)
- Reflect the Vector3 across the normal, which is assumed to be normalized.
- setToVector3(self, other)
- Set this Vector3 to be identical to other one.
- setToXYZ(self, x, y, z)
- Set the x, y, and z components of this Vector3.